4 Benefits of Choosing a Frame-Constructed Home in Sunbridge
If you’re considering a move to (or within) Sunbridge, there’s surely a wide variety of options under your consideration at the moment. Mind if we add one more? You might find it helpful to familiarize yourself with the variety of construction methods out there. One popular choice offering quite a few benefits for you: frame construction.
At a recent event for real estate agents at Sunbridge, special guests from James Hardie, Guided Solutions, Monta Consulting + Design, APA – The Engineered Wood Association and Simpson Strong Tie shed light on the advantages of frame construction. Here are a few key points that prospective Sunbridgers might like to be aware of:
More Square Footage
One significant advantage of frame construction is that it allows for more square footage inside the house, as compared to block construction. Block construction tends to take up some square footage within the walls of your home, thereby cutting down on your usable space. With frame construction, you can enjoy a more spacious interior—and really make the most of every room in your home.
Equal Strength to Block Construction
Frame construction is just as structurally robust as block construction. Why? Well, frame construction must meet the exact same code requirements as block construction. These requirements exist to ensure that your home will withstand the elements and the test of time. You can rest assured that any frame-built home will provide the strength and durability you need to enjoy lasting peace of mind.
Insurance Benefits
Insurance companies typically consider homes with partial frame construction—think: a two-story home with frame on the second story only—as a full-frame construction. This means that insurance rates for partial frame construction homes are often the same or comparable to those for all-frame construction homes. This can lead to potential savings on your insurance premiums. Who doesn’t love that?
Possible Savings
As an additional bonus for Sunbridge homeowners, homes in Sunbridge with James Hardie siding may qualify for a special discount on home insurance from Guided Solutions. (Get in touch to learn more details.) James Hardie siding has earned a reputation for durability, beauty, and low maintenance. No wonder it’s become a popular choice among homeowners!
Thinking about taking the leap over to Sunbridge? Discover all your neighborhood and builder choices here.
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