Basecamp Gardens Test Landscaping
Every neighborhood truly starts from the ground up. Healthy soils are the foundation for healthy plants, wildlife, and people. This is why we are starting from the ground up in Sunbridge.
In collaboration with University of Florida, University of Central Florida, The Nature Conservancy and the OUTSIDE Sustainably Landscapes Collaborative, we have planted an experimental garden at Basecamp to test and monitor innovative strategies for regenerating soils, reducing water consumption, rooting landscapes with native plants, and creating habitat that invites pollinators, birds and other wildlife to do their work.
The goal is to take our learnings and continue to influence healthy, native landscapes throughout Sunbridge.
Gardens like this spur our children’s curiosity, getting them away from screens and outside enjoying nature. In the end, we are committed to implementing more sustainable practices that have an expansive, measurable, and persistent benefit to our human and natural communities.
Stop by Basecamp today to take a meandering stroll through the garden.